Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day One

After a long day spent traveling on Saturday, our group arrived safe and sound in Bogota, Colombia at around 8:30 pm local time. Aside from a brief scare in Houston where Kris nearly got turned back for having a damaged passport (!), it was a good day of travel. We were grateful to be warmly welcomed at the airport by Stephen and Rebekah who work with MCC in Colombia!
This morning, we worshiped with the Iglesia Cristiana Menonita in Bogota - the sister church for First Mennonite Church in Calgary! It was a wonderful morning of song and celebration. One of our team members, Ed Kaufmann (pastor at First Mennonite Calgary) delivered a message with Bonnie translating. Ed spoke of how God is not confined to specific sites and places and styles, but is present with his people, whether in Canada or Colombia or anywhere in between.

After a delicious lunch, we spent some time learning about the ministry of the church we were visiting. We heard stories of a vibrant community of faith that was being shaped and transformed by the gospel, was deeply committed to advocating for justice and peace, and was wholly committed to one another. Even though communication is an ongoing challenge (most of us on the team have virtually no Spanish), there was a sense of warmth, encourgament, and solidarity that emerged from our time together.

Around mid-afternoon, we were off to the Museo del Oro (The Gold Museum) in downtown Bogota. It was fascinating to see the artifacts and learn about the history of metallurgy in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and other places. It was also a bit ironic to be admiring all of this gold knowing that one of the biggest problems faced by ordinary Colombians is being displaced from their homes and their land by large companies (many of which are Canadian) seeking to extract minerals and resources from the land. From ancient history, down to present-day Colombia, it is the many who have suffered as the resources make their way into the hands of the few.

From the museum, we wandered over to the Plaza Bolivar - a massive public square with a statue of Simon Bolivar, the great liberator of Hispanic-Spanish America, in the middle. Despite the pouring rain, it was fascinating to walk around the square, to observe these massive monuments of church and state. An image that will last for some time was of a group of young people honouring April 15, the Days of Action and Prayer for Colombia, by singing and praying loudly for peace beneath the statue of Bolivar. In front of the statue, a sign read: "Do not ask, 'What is the way to peace?' for peace is the way." Fitting words to accompany us back to our accomodations for a hot meal, and further conversation, reflection, and prayer as a team.
We are very much looking forward the days ahead and anticipating the many ways in which God will speak to us through these beautiful people in this beautiful place.

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to hear you all arrived safely and are enjoying the sights, sounds and experiences of Bogota! Thank you so much for blogging! We will check daily for pressure! Blessings to all!
